Keynote & Invited Speakers

Assoc. Prof. Ching Yern Chee, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia Ir. Dr. Ching Yern Chee is an Assoc. professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Malaya. She graduated from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, UTM. She is a Chartered Engineer registered by the Engineering Council (UK). Her research focus is Environmental Friendly Products and Technologies; and she has secured more than RM 5 million research grants. Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ching Yern Chee has contributed immensely to the development and enhancement in science & technology in Malaysia, particularly in the field of green polymer composite. Her significant achievement is the development of a novel composite lacquer with high FIR effectiveness and UV blocking properties for agricultural greenhouse film. This invention has successfully provided multi-functional roles to agricultural film in a cheaper processing cost and allows for optimum growing conditions. The development of green and biodegradable mulch film from oil palm fiber/biopolymer composite has contributed to the reduction of landfill plastic mulch film from algricultural farms. She has provided solutions to industrial problems and have developed new composite materials that exhibit enhance performances and reliabilities as alternatives to petroleum-based plastics. Ching has filed numerous patents for her inventions and received many accolades as a distinguished scholar. Ching has won >20 awards at international/national exhibitions pertaining to her research and inventions. Ching was the recipient of “Leaders in Innovation Fellowship 2017” by the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK for her notable contribution in the field of engineering education and advancement in composite field. Ching is the recipient of “Top Research Scientists Malaysia 2020” (TRSM) from Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM). Dr. Ching was selected as one of UM Researchers Among The World's Top 2% Scientists 2022 by Elservier. She is also a recipient of the “Hitachi Fellowship 2019” with a tenure at the The University of Kitakyushu, Japan as a visiting scholar. The international awards bestowed on Dr. Ching have opened new doors for her research through collaborations and consultation.

Prof. Sinin bin Hamdan, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia Specch title: Jute bamboo cellulose composite

Professor Dr Sinin bin Hamdan area of specialization is Materials Mechanics. His Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Honor in Physics was from National University Malaysia, 1984, Master of Science (MSc) in Welding and Adhesive Bonding of Engineering Materials from Brunel University of West London, UK 1986 and Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Mechanics from Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom 1994. He had successfully supervised 7 PhD students. His main interest in research include wood polymer composite, acoustic of wood, biodegradable composite and gamelan musical instrument. Most work concentrate on physical, mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties of materials. His main expertise is in dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermal gradient analysis (TGA), x-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared analysis (FTIR) and vibration. He is an Associate member of the Plastic and Rubber Institute Malaysia (PRIM) and a fellow to Malaysian Association of Solid State Science (MASS). He was appointed as a senate member for 3 years from 26th October 2015 to 25th October 2018. Currently he is a senior felo at Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Prof. Yan Zhuge, UniSA STEM, University of South Australia, Australia Speech Title: Recent research progress on FRP/Fibre textilereinforced UHPC Composites
Dr Yan Zhang is a Professor in Structural engineering and the Professorial leads in Research Education, at University of South Australia (UniSA), STEM. She was appointed as the Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Expert since 2019. Yan has lectured in several Australian universities nearly 30 years. Her main research interests include green concrete materials, fibre composite materials and structures. She has published more than 200 SCI technical papers in the referred international journals and has been invited as a keynote speaker at many international conferences. Yan has won several Australian government awards and fellowships and attracted funding from Australian Research council (ARC) and industry. She was the winner of 2018 South Australia Winnovation award in Engineering category.

Prof. Katsuyuki Kida, University of Toyama, Japan Professor Katsuyuki Kida was born in 1968 in Osaka, where he studied mechanical engineering at Osaka University from 1988. Apart from course work, he studied rolling contact fatigue (RCF) occurring in TiC and TiN coated steels using both X-ray diffraction and scanning acoustic microscopy. After graduation he pursued his academic career and obtained a Ph.D. in engineering mechanics in 2000, investigating RCF problems of all-Si3N4 bearings. By observing cracking and flaking failure under RCF, he succeeded in explaining the material`s features from the viewpoint of fracture mechanics. From 2000 he focused his work on investigating the contact problems of several materials used in machine elements. He has also continued fundamental research on contact problems, for which he received ‘The Best Paper Prize (FFEMS PRIZE)’ from ‘Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures’ journal in 2005. The awarded papers reported establishing a crack growth mechanism under contact pressure, a problem previously unsolved for over 70 years since S. Way’s proposed theory. His research interests now include the development of three dimensional scanning Hall-probe microscope technologies, fatigue phenomena in polymer bearing, crack growth mechanism under contact stresses and refinement of high-carbon steels. 


Prof. Koshiro Mizobe, University of Toyama, Japan Koshiro Mizobe is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toyama, Japan. He has published over 50 papers in various research fields including: evaluation of stress intensity factors, repeated heating, homology evaluation of microstructure, and polymer bearings. Koshiro studied mechanical engineering at Kyushu University, Japan, graduating in 2013. He studied the repeated quenching refinement method of high-carbon chromium steels in his PhD course. For this work he received the Research Fellowship for Young Scientists in 2013-2014 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science as well as Top Young Researcher Award in 2012 from Kyushu University. Since 2015 he has been an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toyama. He has won some best paper awards from international committees (ICMDME, CMPSE and ICMTM) and received some grants (25th ISIJ research promotion grant from the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan and research promotion grant from JKA). His current research topics with a brief explanation are as follows. Repeated heating method Martensitic high-carbon high-strength bearing steel is one of the main alloys used for rolling contact applications where high wear resistance is required. Refining the prior austenite grain size through repeated heating is a process commonly used to enhance the material’s strength. He studied the effect of repeated heating on the microstructure near inclusions through the rolling bending fatigue tests. Development of hybrid polymer bearings Koshiro is focusing on polymer bearings because it is suitable for the no lubricant situation and the corrosive situations. In particular, he focuses on PEEK which is a tough semi-crystalline thermoplastic polymer and PTFE which has low friction coefficient. Now, he develops the combination of PEEK races-PTFE retainer bearings.


Asst. Prof. Takahiro Matsueda, University of Toyama, Japan Takahiro Matsueda is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toyama, Japan. He has investigated evaluation of fatigue strength of steel, stress intensity factors of microcrack, nondestructive testing and evaluation of material strength such as solar cell, ceramics and polymer. Takahiro Matsueda graduated from mechanical engineering at Kyushu University, Japan, in 2014. He majored in evaluation method of fatigue strength with notched steel in a PhD course. He was an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Tokyo Metropolitan University from 2015 to 2019. He has been an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toyama from 2020. He has also won awards for research from international committees (ICSMMS, ICMEMSCE and ICMTM). Brief introductions of current research topics are as follows. Nondestructive evaluation of materials using AE and LT techniques Takahiro Matsueda’s research aims to reveal the mechanisms of microcrack initiation and accumulation, and their contribution to the electrical degradation during fatigue fracture. He detected and identified microcrack initiation using the acoustic emission (AE) and Lock-in thermography (LT) techniques. The electrical degradation of solar cell was evaluated by monitoring electrical power calculated from Current-Voltage (I-V) curve. Furthermore, microdamage contributing to the electrical degradation were identified by Lock-in thermography (LT). He proposed the method to evaluate microcrack initiation using the AE, LT and I-V curve. Prediction method of fatigue limit in metal materials Takahiro Matsueda is studying the new prediction method based on fracture mechanics for safely design. In particular, he focuses on improvement of the method to define the fatigue crack shape and propagating during fatigue test.

Dr. Hongfei Liu, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), SingaporeDr. Hongfei Liu is a senior scientist at IMRE/A*STAR. He received his B.E in Semiconductor Physics and Devices from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1996 and PhD in Condensed-Matter Physics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001. His research is focused on deposition, treatment, and characterization of solid-state materials.

Dr. Jinhao Liang, National University of Singapore, Singapore Speech Title:Key Technology and Application Towards New-generation Intelligent Vehicles

Dr. Liang is currently a Research Fellow with Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. His research interests have focused on the vehicle dynamics and control, connected and autonomous vehicles, and vehicle-road cooperation systems. Dr. Liang has published more than 30 papers in journals and proceedings of international conferences, and holds more than 10 patents in the field of intelligent vehicle control. He won the Leading Prize for Autonomous Emergency Braking assistance system and Lane-keeping assistance system at the 2017 1st World Intelligent Driving Challenge. He serves as the academic editor for the Journal of Advanced Transportation, and as a guest editor for the journals Computers and Electrical Engineering and Machines. He also serves as a session chair for the 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2024) and 6th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence and a Workshop Chair for the 2024 International Conference on Frontiers of Electronic, Electrical, and Computer Science. Additionally, he acts as an Invited Speaker at the 2023 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Composite Materials.